Have you been dreaming lately?

Reiva Xaira
2 min readJul 8, 2021
Man lying in bed daydreaming
Source: Depositphotos

I’m not talking about the dreams that you get when you’re asleep. I’m talking about those that keep you from sleeping. The ones you see while lying down on bed wide awake — about your innermost desires, your fears, ambitions, etc. If you are dreaming less often, this post is for you. I’m gonna give you the reason why you shouldn’t go to bed with your smartphones.

We all have several apps on our phones — social media, video streaming, etc. I have installed many of them, and I have subscribed to a great deal of video streaming apps. Every night before going to bed, I try desperately to watch “one last episode” after each episode and end up sacrificing my sleep.

It’s been continuing for several months now. I tell myself every time I finish a series that it will be the last one. But I find myself once again in the loop by starting to watch another series.

Then one night, it dawned on me. I asked myself, “When was the last time I saw a dream lying awake on the bed?” Surprisingly, I couldn’t remember. I remember looking forward to this particular time of the night during my childhood. I just wanted to go to bed, lie awake, and dream. I dreamt about everything, my crush, being a Power Ranger, etc.

Of late, that seldom happens as I have no time between binge-watching or social media surfing and finally falling asleep with the phone in my hand.

Whatever I am today, I once dreamt, lying awake on my bed. Getting admitted into a nice college, getting a nice job, etc. I am now in my late 20s, having most of my life to look forward to, and I seldom dream about what I want to be in the future.

As I realize this, I am becoming more reluctant to look into my phone before bed. So, after that last episode of Schitt’s Creek, I am officially giving up binge-watching on my bed. I look forward to getting lost in my dreams, where I see myself doing what I love. With that vision, I can wake up every morning refreshed and with a will to go out and achieve my dream.

